Common Property Dispute Legal Cases

Common Property Dispute Legal Cases

There are many types of property disputes that can arise in various unique situations, which a property lawyer in Chatswood can assist with if you feel you need legal advice or someone to act on your behalf with mediation or negotiation.

Like life can be sometimes - things don’t always run smoothly within the property and real estate world.

Property, building and construction disputes can arise from any type of disagreement over something relating to the property, including:

  • Co-owner related disputes
  • Parties disagree over the ownership of property (e.g. family members)
  • Property has severe damage or broken items when new owners move in
  • Issues relating to tree or fencing disputes between neighbours
  • Boundary lines or zoning issues
  • Neighbour trespassing issues
  • Defective work on new builds or renovation work
  • Termination of contracts
  • Termination of leases
  • Caveats

TY Lawyers are expert lawyers in Chatswood. Our friendly, professional and experienced team will give you a clear indication of your legal position and your rights and responsibilities with any property dispute you could be facing.

Let’s take a quick look at some common property disputes a property lawyer in Chatswood may assist with.

Co-Owner Disputes

Co-ownership of land can bring about disputes as co-owners may have different ideas on what they want to do with a particular property and how to manage it.

Co-owners may also face a disagreement if one co-owner pays more expenses than another or does more work than other.

A good way to manage the expectations of co-owners is to create a contract or written agreement for all co-owners of a property, prior to entering into the purchase.

A property lawyer in Chatswood can assist with putting together an agreement of this sort, or reading through an agreement for a potential co-owner of a property.

Doing this can help to avoid future disputes and clearly outlines each party’s rights and obligations from the outset.

It’s also important to understand if the co-ownership is set up as a joint tenant or a tenant in common, as both structures have slightly different set ups which can impact the way the property is dealt with in general and what happens after the death of a co-owner. See here our article which further explains these two terms.

Landlord and Tenant Disputes

A property lawyer in Chatswood could assist with the following landlord and tenant disputes:

  • Assisting landlords with any tenancy related dispute, including payment of rent or damage to the property
  • Tenant assistance if they believe their landlord has unfairly terminated their lease

Building Defect Claims

Owners of a property may seek compensation from strata or building companies if defective work has been done on a new building or renovation job.

Conveyancing Solicitors Chatswood

TY Lawyers in Chatswood are experienced conveyancing solicitors and can assist with any conveyancing related issues that could arise during the purchase of property transaction.

For any property, building or construction dispute, our ultimate goal at TY Lawyers is to reach a mutually agreeable and cost-effective resolution, without the need for court proceedings.

Please get in contact if you require the services of a property lawyer or conveyancing solicitor.

Call today for a confidential discussion with one of our friendly team on: (02) 8007 0135.


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